PARKING: I have added many more parking spots to the west of the cabin. They are designated as “MAMA BEAR PARKING ONLY” spots. In addition, we have a double gate to bring in 1 small boat or 2 ATVs. Please part on the far WEST side of the property within the grounds. Papa Bear and Baby Bear also have their own spots. Please only park in our assigned areas. There are 14 total spots (enough for 1 for every 4 people plus a couple extra for a boat or ATV.) Public parking is available on 150 S as well as in front of Baby Bear and CentraCom. NO TRAILERS are allowed overnight in these areas. (If you see someone from either Papa Bear or Baby Bear parking in our spots, feel free to kindly remind them we need our own spots and ask them to leave.)

REVIEWS: I welcome and request you give me feedback on what you like, what you saw was needing improvement. Your reviews are critical to me and to those who may want to stay. Be sure to check out the reviews that I have received this past summer when I hosted Mama Bear even while it was under construction, as I inherited 5 families when I purchased the property that had already reserved their stays.